
Your free and personal online diary.

Image taken from Pexels

What is myJourney?

myJourney is your own, free virtual diary to help keep you keep track of days, events, and express your emotions in a safe place. Whether it's writing about a fun date, or something on your mind, myJourney is here to provide you with your own personal space for you to write about what you want.

Having a bad day? Write about it.

myJourney lets users create and manage their own pages, where they are able to express themselves freely without the worry of anything being leaked.

One-button access to mental health help services.

We understand that life isn't always the happiest. So, we've packed our application with an easy-to-reach help button in case anything gets too serious. Our help button will let you contact well-known and trusted mental health help services, such as Lifeline Crisis and Lifeline International.

Easy storage of photos, for easy storage of memories.

Words are always great to write with, but sometimes they aren't enough. That's why myJourney provides you with a free image uploading service that will help make your days more descriptive. After all, as Henrik Ibsen once said: "A picture is worth a thousand words".